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Sunday 7 June 2015

how to Send Audio Message in Comment or Inbox Messages On Facebook

Facebook voice messages option shows only in facebook messenger. This option is not show in pc / laptop. So today i will tell you How To Send Audio Message in Comment OR inbox Message ( Pc / Laptop)

How  To:-
1) Download and Open Google Chrome Browser.
2) Now Download
and Install Google Chrome Extension in Your Google Chrome. ( Size: 700-800 KB) only.
3) Now after Installation of Talk and Comment Extension it will automatically open a new tab and ask for Your Persmission to use MIC, Click on Allow
4) Now Extension Installation part is completed.
5) Login to Facebook and now you will see a MIC icon added to your comment box.
6) Click and Hold that MIC Icon and Start Speaking What do you want record.7) Once you are done with recording part simply release on the MIC icon to upload the audio.

8) Now you will see a link, press enter to publish your comment or send message to your friends.
9) Now you can cross check by listening your voice. Enjoy . 😀


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